Q: 41-60
- List the empno, ename, sal, dname, loc, deptno, job of all emps working at CHICAGO or working for ACCOUNTING dept wit ann sal > 28000, but the sal should not be = 3000 or 2800 who doesn’t belongs to the Mgr and whose no is having a digit ‘7’ or ‘8’ in 3rd position in the asc order of deptno and desc order of job.
- Display the total information of the emps along with grades in the asc order
- List all the grade2 and grade 3 emps
- Display all grade 4,5 Analyst and Mgr
- List the empno, ename, sal, dname, grade, exp, ann sal of emps working for dept 20 or 10.
- List all the information of emps with loc and the grade of all the emps belong to the
grade ranges from 2 to 4 working at the dept those are not starting with char set ‘OP’
and not ending with ‘S’ with the design having a char ‘a’ any where joined in the
year 81 but not in the month of Mar or Sep and sal not end with ‘00’ in the
asc order of grades.
- List the details of the depts along with empno, ename or without the emps
- List the details of the emps whose salaries more than the employee BLAKE
- List the details of the emps whose job is same as ALLEN.
- List the emps who are senior to King
- List the emps who are senior to their own MGRs
- List the emps of deptno 20 whose jobs are same as deptno 10
- List the emps whose Sal is same as FORD or SMITH in desc order of Sal.
- List the emps whose Jobs are same as MILLER or Sal is more than ALLEN.
- List the emps whose Sal is > the total remuneration of the SALESMAN.
- List the emps who are Senior to ‘BLAKE’ working at CHICAGO & BOSTON.
- List the emps of Grade 3,4 belongs to the dept ACCOUNTING and RESEARCH whose sal is more than ALLEN and exp more than SMITH in the asc order of Exp.
- List the emps whose jobs same as ALLEN Or SMITH.
- Write a Query to display the details of emps whose Sal is same as of
a) Employee Sal of Emp1 table.
b) ¾ Sal of any Mgr of Emp2 table.
c) The Sal of any sales person with exp of 5 yrs belongs to the sales dept of emp3 table.
d) Any Grade 2 employees of Emp4 table.
e) Any Grade 2&3 employee working for SALES dept or OPERATIONS dept joined in 89.
60. List the jobs of Deptno 10 those are not found in dept 20.