Q: 61-80

  1. List the emps of Emp1 who are not found in deptno 20
  2. Find the highest Sal of the Emp table.
  3. Find the details of highest paid employee.
  1. Find the highest paid employee of sales dept.
  2. List the most recently hired emp of grade 3 belongs to the Loc CHICAGO
  3. List the emps who are senior to most recently hired emp who is working under Mgr KING
  4. List the details of emp belongs to New York with the Grade 3 to 5 except ‘PRESIDENT’ whose sal > the highest paid emp of CHICAGO in Group where there is ‘MANAGER’ & ‘ANALYST’ not working for Mgr KING
  5. Display the details of most senior employee belongs to 1981.
  1. List the emps who joined in 81 with job same as the most senior person of year 81.
  2. List the most senior emp working under KING and Grade is more than 3.
  3. Find the total sal given to the ‘MGR’
  4. Find the total annual sal to distribute job wise in the year 81
  5. Display the total sal of emps belong to Grade 3.
  6. Display the avg salaries of all CLERKS
  7. List the emps in dept 20 whose sal is > the avg sal of deptno 10 emps.
  8. Display the number of emps for each job group deptno wise
  9. List the Mgr no & no. of emps working for those Mgrs in the asc Mgrno.
  10. List the dept details where at least two emps are working.
  11. Display the grade, number of emps, max sal of each grade.
  12. Display dname, grade, no of emps where atleast two emps are ‘CLERKS’
